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image  1 TED Talks - Need some tips navigating uncomfortable conversations
November 19, 2022

Need some tips navigating uncomfortable conversations? If you aren't exactly jumping up and down with excitement at the idea of having tough conversations — we get it! But that doesn't mean we can completely avoid them. It’s totally normal that when we are confronted with information that challenges our world view, our tendency isn't to open up — it's to double down and defend our point of view. But tough conversations *can* be constructive, says Julia Dhar, world debate champion. This is especially true if you keep a few "rules" in mind, such as: being curious about the other person's ideas, looking at the big picture, and entering the conversation knowing that you aren't going to agree 100% of the time. By embracing these tense conversations, you can sharpen your ideas and strengthen your relationships. It just requires us to be more curious than critical. “Curiosity can be relationship magic and development can be rocket fuel for your ideas,” says Dhar. Want to learn more? Visit the link in our bio to watch her full talk about how you can navigate tricky conversations with way more ease.
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