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image  1 How does a parent's experience at work impact their kids
February 1, 2023

How does a parent's experience at work impact their kids?A longitudinal study that followed more than 370 low-wage, working-class families over more than 10 years found that children’s developmental outcomes were directly and significantly affected by their parents’ work lives.Specifically, workers who had more autonomy and more-supportive supervisors and coworkers were in turn warmer and more engaged when interacting with their infants. These children then grew up to have better reading and math skills, better social skills, and fewer behavioral problems in the first grade. This suggests that an employee’s workplace experiences immediately before and during their transition into parenthood can have long-lasting effects on the development of their children.Tap the link in our bio to read more about the study and its implications.Adapted from "How a Parent’s Experience at Work Impacts Their Kids," by Maureen Perry-Jenkins. Artist credit: HBR Staff/justocker/Getty Images.
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