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image  1 Business Insider - Maricris Bonzo, a 28-year-old developer from the Bay Area who relocated to a post
October 1, 2022

Maricris Bonzo, a 28-year-old developer from the Bay Area who relocated to a post-pandemic tech hub.As a woman in web3, Bonzo says that it has been hard to make firm friends in Sacramento's tech community. This has prompted Bonzo’s company to become the go-to cohort for underrepresented women entrepreneurs in web3.Bonzo says that they want to rewrite the existing entrepreneurial ecosystem that is riddled with patriarchal systems and power players who only seem to prioritize competition, short term gain or clout, rather than building mindfully and meaningfully.Read the full story at the link in our bio.Story by Charlotte Lytton(Credit: Maricris Bonzo)
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