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image  1 Business Insider - Aisha Beau Frisbey is a full-time lifestyle creator on Instagram and YouTube
September 2, 2022

Aisha Beau Frisbey is a full-time lifestyle creator on Instagram and YouTube.Frisbey, who has 34,000 Instagram followers and 30,000 YouTube subscribers, finds that her business is often at the whim of brands' budgets and changes in the market. Recently, those changes have affected the industry as some influencers see canceled brand deals and creator economy companies lay off staff. In response to the decline, Frisbey set out to diversify her revenue streams to get "ahead of the curve," she said.She broke down how she is recession-proofing her business with multiple revenue streams.Read the full story by Sydney Bradley at the link in our bio.(Credit: Aisha Beau)
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