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image  1 Are communication breakdowns making you hit a wall at work
April 7, 2023

Are communication breakdowns making you hit a wall at work? Good news: With the right approach, you can turn your work woes into success stories! 💪 That’s what Harvard Business School professor, and CEO and best-selling author, aim to do on our new podcast, Fixable. In episode 1 (out now!), Anne and Frances help a listener tackle communication issues — by sharing tips on how to create an open dialogue and build trust. ⁠⁠Their advice? “Pick one idea that you think is within the realm of possibility, and brainstorm with two other people who are as frustrated as you,” says Morriss. And if you don’t have the power to enact this solution? Morris says, “Figure out who you think would be your most likely ally in this system.” ⁠⁠Want to hear more about how you can apply these tips in your own work? Visit the link in our bio to tune into Fixable on Apple Podcasts — or wherever you like to listen.
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